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Desert Highway



The transition to Austin from El Paso as a college student can be difficult.  El Paso in Austin's scholarship program helps first-year college students from El Paso who relocate to Austin in the pursuit of higher education.

High School Scholarships

Trailblazer recognition is reserved for El Pasoans in Austin who exemplify leadership, creativity, entrepreneurship, and passion.  Each trailblazer is recognized at our annual Trailblazer Reception — and has the famous Star on the Mountain in El Paso lit in their honor, with a certificate for proof! 

Trailblazer Awards


In June 2019, we launched a NEW fundraising initiative called the El Paso in Austin Network Adelante Scholarship Circle. The Adelante Scholarship Circle was created to allow those who want to give larger financial donations to our organization to do so. Your commitment of $1,000 will allow us to grow our scholarship fund.

Scholarship Circle 

Our semi-regular happy hours are a great chance to mix and mingle with fellow El Pasoans in a relaxed setting.

Happy hours

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